Starwind 223
Starwind 223

I have been around boats since shortly after learning to walk and probably before that. "At The Helm" is about sharing my sailing experiences and innovations I have tried over many years.

starwind 223

A tiller extension allows for rudder control from any where in the cockpit. The top hatch board can be replaced with a hatch board with a large screen installed. The original two piece hatch board has been replaced by a three piece for easier storage. This part of the copper cable is under the surface of the water. The last 12 inches of the cables are bare wire. I ran two heavy gauged insulated copper cables from the port and starboard stays to the water to act as grounds for lightning protection. The electrical system has a common ground. The electronics needed for the nav center are wired to the forward breaker panel. Those electronics that I use from the cockpit are wired to the aft breaker panel below the hatchway entrance. I split up the electronics to make the breakers easily accesssed. PERFECTION has two breaker panels, one at the navigation center and a second at the main hatch. I added a master battery switch cutting off all circuitry for security purposes when the boat is left till the next sail. The electronics suite consist of a compass, depth detector, VHF radio, LORAN, GPS, a marine stereo and iPod with six speakers round out the entertainment system. An additional winch was installed on an extended trailer winch post for the mast raising or lowering process which takes about two minutes on a bad day.

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The bridle controls the side to side lateral motion while raising and lowering the mast. To aid in raising or lowering the mast, a bridle system of my design, is easily installed and removed. A cockpit tent offers relief from the sun while at anchor. I use variations of red and green lines for Port and Starboard control of the sails. Ideas such as a tiller tamer and deck hardware to allow all control lines to lead back to the cockpit for easier control of the sailing surfaces. Every winter, my refit season, the ideas from the previous season are considered and many are added to her. Accessories and changes added have been many.

Starwind 223